
This web site has been designed to give you information about the
Sonoma County Association of Retired Employees,
a California Nonprofit Corporation,

henceforth known as SCARE.

NEW on Site

At our August 27, 2024 Membership Meeting, we had presentations by Emergency Prep Help and the Sonoma County Library. Both presentations were very informative. The library information is useful for all people in Sonoma County. The library has added a lot of services which were covered in their presentation. Emergency Prep Help provides workshops for seniors to help them prepare themselves for natural disastors and othr emergency situations. Their stats show that it is primarily seniors who die in disastors. They give out go-bags at their workshops and show you how to personalize them. Workshops are free and you can sign up for workshops at www, under Events link. One of our members who had attended their workshop said it was 'fabulous'and encouraged people to go. We have videos of both presentations which are short and easy to follow. Just copy links into your browser. Emergency Prep Help: Sonoma County Library:


The purpose for which this organization is formed is to promote and protect the welfare and interests of Sonoma County retired employees in all ways compatible with the public interest.

The methods for attaining these objectives shall be to monitor all actions at federal, state and county levels that might affect our members; join and/or support other organizations formed for similar purposes; create and foster favorable public sentiment; support legislation and/or local resolutions deemed beneficial and oppose those deemed detrimental to the interests of its members or sound government; and disseminate pertinent information to members.

The Association may also perform such other acts and provide such benefits and services as are consistent with its primary purpose.

Your SCARE Board of Directors sincerely hopes that this web site will add a new dimension to our communications with members. In addition to being able to post general information that members can access at any time, it allows us to post urgent news that occurs between our newsletters and General Membership Meetings. We also hope that it will give you a new and easier way to communicate with the Board. We welcome your comments and suggestions!